Saturday, November 15, 2008

Must See Robert Fisk interview

Part 1
Part 2


Quran 16:90 Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.

From: kashif karim <>
To: nauman sheikh <>
Cc: Azfar <>; Zeeshan Ghalib <>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:20:02 PM
Subject: Re: [RE]Allah save the world !


Misunderstanding on the rise.....:)
---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
Subject : Re: [RE]Allah save the world !
Date : Thu, 13 Nov 2008 16:02:43 +0500
From : "nauman sheikh" <>
To : "kashif karim" <>, "Azfar" <>
Cc : "Zeeshan Ghalib" <>

Grand Plans against Pakistan
I am with Azfar on this one. I think we give them too much credit and I never ever understood when someone says
America wants to destroy Pakistan OR America wants to do this or that....what are we talking about? Who is America or What is America? Is there a lobby, a secret society, a CIA wing what is it? I don't find the argument that they are after our nuclear assets plausible as similar to Iraq they can take it out. Its not that we don't have traitors or US doesn't have information as to where the assets are.

1. The only reason why I even spent time writing these things is so that you know we sufis don't just worry about making tasbeeh and correcting our own selves without any concern for what's happening around the world.

2. What is really happening is at best any one's own understanding of the current situation that we are just sharing with each other. What is really going to happen we will find out sooner or later. Its not revelation anyways that I want to stand by at all costs. Insha'Allah no more email discussion on these topics.

3. However, using your own words in this email, let me ask you whether you think they are plotting against us or are not plotting. Because from your words it seems like you are saying both things.

Enemies have always conspired against us and they always will. We are required to live according to Allah's commands and nothing exonerates us from that duty.

4. Masha'Allah, 100% agreement on this. Now the only questions ! that remain are what are the commands of Allah? and how do we live our lives according to them? Lets work together to answer these questions (and any more derivations of them that come to mind insha'Allah)

I think it is about time we stop blaming others and start blaming ourselves.

5. Blaming others doesn't always have to be wrong. It depends upon what is you niyyah, who you are blaming and whether you are at the same time keeping a critical eye over yourself as well or not. So there is a lot of detail to this which unfortunately I will have to leave for another time.

We are weak and we are at a point of degradation as a society that every tom dick and harry is able to exploit and conspire against us.

6. This argument is partly true and indeed fits us as a nation but is not always true if we are thinking that if we were good no body would be able to plan against us. For example, the society being made by the Prophet (saw) was the most perfect society that ever existed on the face of this earth, yet there were always a lot of people busy plotting against it. Sometimes they were even temporarily successful in their plans, though the final victory was the Prophet's.

----- Original Message -----
From: kashif karim
To: Azfar
Cc: Zeeshan Ghalib ; nauman sheikh
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [RE]Allah save the world !

comments below.
---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: [RE]Allah save the world !
Date : Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:53:46 -0800 (PST)
From : Azfar
To : Zeeshan Ghalib , kashif_karim , nauman sheikh

Dear Fellows,
Regarding the ISI propganda for mahsood or others; there might be some true to that, but i think that is like mujahdeen getting help from CIA or ISI in 80s or Help of India to Makti bahni.
>> I don't know the truth, but without supporting the way army is dealing with it, I don't think I agree with how Azfar is looking at it either.

Whatever it is army do not explain killing of their own country men. specially civilians women and children. It will fuel the insurgency. And it is wrong.

>> True.

Also to the Kashif points that the world plan of US, I always think that we give these orgnizations here too much credit for any shortcomming we have of our own. I agree these people plan and have ill feelings towards Pakistan but in grand scheme of things do you really think they have greater ill feeling towards Pakistan then Chaina. Or from Islamic point of view Saudi Arabia.

>> Sorry, but I strongly disagree. There is a huge difference between their reasons for planning against Pakistan and China. SA, yes, but they don't have the technical expertise and ability to lead as is available in Pakistan. Hence, first Pakistan then SA. at least that's how it looks like. Again, details are left for latter because I have to go.

If these countries against all odds and USA and Israeel plans these countries manage to progress then one must think Pakistan can do good too. I feel there are two things which need to be fixed on pirority
1. Justice System ( Independent Judiciary) this will also deal with lawlessness, corruption etc
2. Honest Leadership
I strongly feel only thing which can help us is ourself. And we should stop blaming others for our own shortcommings. This is a problem in all the circles religious and non. I does not mean that US and other do not have their agents in Pakistan, for crying out loud jews have their agents in Khulfa-e-Rashdeens time and they manage to do lot of harm, Killed Hazrat Uthman. and manage to prvoke two factions in islam and fight among sahaba.
But we always manage to come out of that, but we should start working.

My suggestion is to make an independent presure group which does not take part in politics but try to guide people what is a best way to aproach any problem we are having.
In Politics and GOVT side Obama orgnization story is quite impressive
Also in economics we have Argentina, Some years back they were attached to USA but then IMF manage to dump them and they went bankrupt. Now they are on their own doing just fine. There were 5 presedent changed in one week. So where there is no money in GIVT corupt politiions will not get to it.

>> I agree with most but not all of the above, but no time left to write any more emails. Have to go.



Quran 16:90 Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.

From: Zeeshan Ghalib
To: kashif_karim
Cc: Azfar ; nauman sheikh
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 8:26:08 PM
Subject: Re: [RE]Allah save the world !

Assalam alaikum,

>>>Assalamualaikum Nauman, I think I can only comment on your points when we personally meet.
How will I benefit from those comments then? :)

>>>From what I have concluded is that the US is now, out of its besabri to
implement the plans (that were laid out in Hadith, have been >>>openly
discussed even in US media such as 60 minutes,
Aer you refering to the Ahadith regarding the Army from East/Khurasan or some other ahadeeth? Can you share those Hadiths please? I have tried to do a lot of research and don't wan't to miss any hadith on this subject.



On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 3:57 AM, kashif_karim wrote:

Assalamualaikum Nauman, I think I can only comment on your points when we personally meet. If you're free I will be coming to Defence Ph IV tomorrow morning around 11 to attend a program. Would like to meet you either before going there (in which case we can go together) or drop by your house after it. It ends at Zuhar. Will call you later today to ask your availability insha'Allah.

Zeeshan will be here in December too. Hope Azfar could come too. It would be very nice sitting with ya'll.

Now coming to Azfar's email. Please see my comments below.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Allah save the world !

Date : Fri, 7 Nov 2008 10:19:33 -0800 (PST)

From : Azfar

To : Zeeshan Ghalib , nauman sheikh , kashif_karim

Good to see all of you in the mail.
I have been discussing this BrassTack person with my uncle from last year, he was or may be is fan of this program. I will admit some of the program were good. after lot of research i think (this is my opinion) that this is psych op division of ISI. right now the ISI Kibla is US so the purpose of this group is to demonize the (NWFP groups name them talib) and justify army actions. But this is discussion for some other time.

>> I was almost sure after seeing, actually hearing just a few of his programs that he is ISI's mouthpiece. After coming here it seems that this is common knowledge about him among those who keep their hearts and minds open. From what I have concluded is that the US is now, out of its besabri to implement the plans (that were laid out in Hadith, have been openly discussed even in US media such as 60 minutes, but still very conveniently rejected by many educated Pakistani youth as conspiracy threories) is now finally looking for ways to enter Pakistan. Pakistan has, unfortunately been the territory of the Army (which is governed by its ISI). Now this means dethroning the ISI. There was always an unofficial concern that this is what is eventually going to happen in the Army (among both its religious and secular circles) but now it has become a reality. Now, in utter desperation, the ISI is trying to fight back. This Brasstacks thing is just the pschy ops
part of this war that !
ISI is trying to start against the US. They don't want to speed it up because the more time they can buy the better it is for them to prepare and the more America is going to slide down economically and hence socially, therefore they are not coming out in the open as the support behind ZH. People still think that ISI's qibla is the US, whereas its quite clear from ZH's programs and many other informal opinions heard that ISI is now up against the wall and it has no other option but to fight back. China and Russia are still there to look upto for help but this time it doesn't look like any one is going to come for help in amounts that Pakistan/ISI is going to be needing. This is a very very difficult scenario for the people of Pakistan who will be caught in the middle. Many will decide to side with the ISI but only because out of their love for Pakistan, not because they are on the side of the truth. The only hope in this all messed up situation is that
there are people both!
in Pakistan and the US who are now thinking outside nationalities and
now only connect to Allah. It is hoped that those people will eventually be able to steer this conflict of Jageerdari (of the ISI trying to protect its jageer here and the US trying to expand the Jagir of Israel so that it paves the way for the Anti Christ) in the direction of peace for humanity. We hope to be among those people insha'Allah. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it will be possible at the moment because we (the people who want peace for humanity) are too weak, even though our numbers are masha'Allah growing at exponential rates everywhere, whether Pakistan, US, Europe etc. A phenomenon that is not hidden from anyone's eyes.

Now in the mail and discussion about the election in US. I will admit that what BUSH & co did to Republican party in a long time no one have been able to do that. It is complete devestation of RNC.
So for us one enemy at a time.
Also I want to remind you guys (a wise enemy is better then stupid friend) what ever Obama is he is not stupid.
And whatever Bush was to us (enemy or friend) was stupid.

>> Obama is certainly a sharp person. But how his sharpness works out is to be seen. If he is really good (but just get manipulated by the administration's gurus who really run the show), Allah (swt) may actually give him hidayat and he will become Muslim. Actually a couple of our friends whose dreams have come true in the past, have seen him as Muslim in their dreams. (remember, the Azan we hear 5 times a day was given to the ummah in a dream of a sahabi, not even of the Prophet saw). I have many reasons to believe that Islam is going to spread in the US (en mass) sooner than many think, but for now the bad guys seem to be in control (whether with Obama's consent or without) and they are going to carry forward with their plans. May Allah (swt) protect us from their evil. (now Nauman, please don't translate my use of bad guys as looking at this all like a holywood movie. this is just two easy words to use for people who have evil intentions. May Allah
give them hidayah but w!
e can not look away from their existance as long as they are there).

In our country right now we have worst kind of govt, most corrupt people on earth bith in Army and Civil.
just for example they took one million for poor Dr. Afia. and do you wonder that there is no more export of US prisnors. Because USA realise that Pak army and civil guy cashing out the brand of alqaida and they people they provide are just rounded up people. So at this moment of time I don't know what will be better
Let Pakistan go bankrupt?
Take IMF loans (which will end up in Swis banks any way)?
Pardon my french. Poor people are F%$*ed.
I can send you some audio vidio worth watching for Obama movement and how change can be brought. Let me know

>> We all know that IMF and Bankruptcy are neither solutions, nor we are going to have a part to play in any of these decisions. People of Pakistan (myself being the first target of this naseehat) will have to turn to Allah (swt). Things are going so bad that people of Pakistan (who don't consciously turn to Allah) will have no one else left to turn to except Allah (make taubah) and change their lives according to the Deen. (that obviously includes changing their economic practices*). Good for us that we are being pushed quite hard in that direction alhamdolillah instead of being allowed to drop further. This conversion is just a big phenomenon that you can not attribute it to any one group or person, though many people are independantly playing their own parts in it (may Allah make us among them). Basically it looks like Pakistan is being prepared to be in the forefront for the eventual drive of humanity to worldpeace.

>> * this is where the detailed studies done by people like Nauman Shaikh and Zeeshan Ghalib are going to come into play insha'Allah. Right now, its mostly academia with little scope for implementation. I am not saying no scope, I am saying little scope, so I am not saying that we are wasting our times gaining detailed understandings of these systems.

>> Please try to read my email a couple of times if you have objections as I have crammed up too much information in too few words. Insha'Allah we can discuss more if anything's unclear. I remain open to different opinions insha'Allah. Also, please try to keep this ajiz's name out of this analysis if you want to verify it from your own sources. Its just an analysis, based in parts on some knowledge of quran, hadith, & world news, some common sense, and some intuition. The surest way to discern truth from falsehood remains TAQWA as Allah (swt) says if you have taqwah of Allah, He will give you Furqan. (8:29). May Allah allow us all to work towards it.


Quran 16:90 Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.

From: Zeeshan Ghalib
To: nauman sheikh ; kashif_karim ; Zeeshan Ghalib ;
Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 2:59:55 AM
Subject: Re: [BrassTacks_Direct] Obama has started working!!! Allah save the world !

W'salaam bhaiyon,
nauman i completely agree with almost all of what you have said. Lets
keep this discussion going. i will write in detail from home.
Where will you be in december second half?

On 11/7/08, nauman sheikh wrote:
> lets keep the discussion between the 4 of us until we clearly understand
> each other since we have the mutual care and respect for each other and know
> that none of us is an agent with an agenda.
> Lets go item by item
> 1. I never claimed the triuph of the US democratic system I simply tried to
> explain the PERSONAL vested interest of a politician in any policy decision.
> People vote for/against an issue based on personal interests and therefore
> if the voting is going against Muslims for example it is not a concpiracy it
> is the heart of the individual plagued with our hatred. We need to fight
> that ideological battle and not political or economic battle. If we can turn
> his Heart toward Allah his actions will be in line with Allah's Ihkaam
> automatically. However we can leave this discussion on a lower priority for
> now and may have to come back
> 2. There are three common global domination theories developed in the last
> 50 years
> a. Global Banks, IMF and WorldBank rule the world
> b. Large Corporations rule the world (offshoot of capitalism)
> c. Secularism rules the world through modern democracy (or imperialism)
> Zeeshan is in the first camp and the 2 sources mentioned (along with a few
> excerpts online) are the only sources of this theory that everybody seems to
> have researched. For the corporations rule the world there is 1 book and
> numerous articles and documentaries
> for research and then the secularism is another with much more material
> available particularly through research work of religious organizations like
> Akhwan, Hizb and Tanzim-e-Islami.
> Interestingly Jews are ultimately behind each of these. While a and c call
> it out explicitly, b is a little subtle in placing the blame on them. I
> hardly ever find people who have studied all three perspectives. Looked at
> individually they all make sense and the BrassTack dude has also never
> analyzed the other 2 perspectives. He is living in a dillusional world
> because until you research the other perspectives you don't see what is
> actually going on.
> 3. All three have a conflict with Islamic Ideology:
> a. The financial markets break a fundamental principle of sharia't. Justice
> in distribution of wealth
> b. Consumerism - "He who has the most toys wins" is in direct conflict of
> our purpose in this life
> c. Secularism is a close relative of aetheism and therefore has no place in
> our philosophy
> I can spent hours explaining 3a to 3c but I am sure this group understands
> this better than anyone else so I hope I don't have to.
> 4. Having studied all three in great detail and cross-checked each
> individually from works of great scholars of the golden age like Imam
> Ghazali, Ibn Taimiyyah, Ibn Rushd, Imam Shatibi and Ibn
> conclusion is that all three theories are correct and they work hand in hand
> to support each other in a vicious cycle that takes us towards hell fire day
> after day. HOWEVER, there is no THEY or THEM who is manipulating all three
> in this vicious circle. It is IT - the ideology, which brings all three
> together and the millions who seem to be participating in this global
> campaign. If individually one of these was actually ruling the world the
> current crisis wouldn't have been able to hit at the heart of the first,
> seriously damage the second or hit at the foundation of the 3rd.
> 5. The people like Brass Tack are actually making a fool of us by ensuring
> that our energies and efforts are targetted at the wrong enemy. Until we
> believe that Banking/Financial markets are the real enemy and the one we
> have to beat for our salvation, we will be fighting the wrong war. Whether
> BT have an agenda or not I don't know, I personally think he is dillusional.
> I can dismantle his absurd economic theories by providing facts which
> counter his dillusion but those facts are conveniently ommitted by the 2-3
> sources of information that everyone reads. For starters I would suggest
> studying the limitations of Uni and Bi Metalism in the 15th century Spanish
> Khilafat, the most advanced government at the time.
> Please lets take these items 1 by one and keep putting in your
> views/perspectives.
> Wassalaam
> Nauman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: kashif_karim
> To: Zeeshan Ghalib
> Cc: nauman sheikh ;
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 9:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [fasticsna] Fwd: [BrassTacks_Direct] Obama has started
> working!!! Allah save the world !
> Assalamualaikum Zeeshan,
> thorey din aur theyr jao. Doodh ka doodh aur pani ka pani khud hi
> alag hojai ga. A few days ago Nauman had written about triumph of the
> American system when the congress rejected the bail out plan. Too bad it was
> reversed too soon after minor changes.
> By the way, I am also a little dissappointed by seeing the texts you
> are recommending Nauman to read. I am not a fan of ZH's tone myself,
> although much of what he says is factually right. Unfortunately the people
> he is acting as the mouth piece of seem to always think of themselves as
> jungle ka shayr, who whethere gives Anda aur Bacha (meaning whichever way
> wants to run his jungle) no one can question him.
> Simple youth of Pakistan aren't able to understand it so they are
> always fall for them, but this time i! ts different. Alhamdolillah there are
> many youth and elders who are now turning to the Master of the Jungle ka
> Shayr so they are not willing to take either sides. Neither the Shayr's nor
> the Shayr's enemies.
> Nauman, insha'Allah I will call you myself this weekend. Just been
> very very busy with family and stuff since coming back.
> wassalam
> Kashif
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
> Subject : Re: [fasticsna] Fwd: [BrassTacks_Direct] Obama has
> started working!!! Allah save the world !
> Date : Thu, 6 Nov 2008 23:22:58 +0000
> From : "Zeeshan Ghalib"
> To : "nauman sheikh"
> Cc :
> Assalam alikum Nauman,
> "Shooting the messenger" is not something I expected from you :)
> >>just curious....would this mesage still had gone out if McCain
> had won?
> >>My thinking is that yes only the name would've changed. This
> dude is
> >>dillusional and sees GRAND CONSPIRACIES in everything
> So which part of the email sounds like a conspiracy theory to you?
> part? I do agree with you. I don't usually trust source myself,
> but this
> information has been verified from other sources as well.
> >>and has no idea about
> >>the distributed nature of US elections.
> The Left (Democrat) and the Right (republicans) are two sides of
> the same
> coin. There will not be any major change in America nor its
> foreign policy
> until someone like Ron Paul becomes President, which in my opinion
> is not
> even remotely possible in the current corrupt political structure
> of
> America. Every president regardless of being republican or
> democrat comes
> from the same elitist group the CFR.
> >>If the economy was booming it was
> >>the Jewish agenda of capitalism....if the economy is tanked that
> is also a
> >>Jewish agenda to destroy other economies and the dollar...blah
> blah blah
> >>He needs to get a crash course in economics 101 and drop THEY
> from his
> >>lexicon. Everything that happens around is actually a conspiracy
> of
> >>THEM.....he never explains who THEY is. Does he have a
> name/proof of any
> >>kind or societal evolution and development is somehow a
> conspiracy.
> The so called "economics" (based on fractional reserve banking and
> fiat
> currency) that you are referring to is the largest slavery and
> exploitation
> system this world has ever seen. New York exchange is the largest
> casino of
> the world which has very little to do with long term investments
> and thrives
> mostly on speculation.
> Don't count so much on this Riba based economic system on which
> Allah has
> declared war in the Qur'an. Rather than a crash course on
> economics 101, we
> need to read books like John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic
> Hit Man"
> to get a glimpse of their so called "global economic system" and
> how IMF and
> World Bank is used to bring countries to their knees. This
> economical
> system in which a super power like the United States cannot print
> her own
> currency and has to borrow it from a gang of private banks called
> the
> "Federal Reserve"??
> If you don't know the THEY of the banking cartel, do a research on
> the
> Rothschild Family.
> W'salam,
> Zeeshan
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:21 AM, nauman sheikh wrote:
> > just curious....would this mesage still had gone out if McCain
> had won?
> >
> > My thinking is that yes only the name would've changed. This
> dude is
> > dillusional and sees GRAND CONSPIRACIES in everything and has no
> idea about
> >
> > the distributed nature of US elections. If the economy was
> booming it was
> > the Jewish agenda of capitalism....if the economy is tanked that
> is also a
> > Jewish agenda to destroy other economies and the dollar...blah
> blah blah
> >
> > He needs to get a crash course in economics 101 and drop THEY
> from his
> > lexicon. Everything that happens around is actually a conspiracy
> of
> > THEM.....he never explains who THEY is. Does he have a
> name/proof of any
> > kind or societal evolution and development is somehow a
> conspiracy.
> >
> > Regards
> > Nauman Sheikh
> > Sahics '92
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Zeeshan Ghalib"
> > >
> > To: >
> > Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 1:46 PM
> > Subject: [fasticsna] Fwd: [BrassTacks_Direct] Obama has started
> working!!!
> > Allah save the world !
> >
> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > From: Zaid Hamid >
> > > Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 10:32:24 +0500
> > > Subject: [BrassTacks_Direct] Obama has started working!!!
> Allah save the
> > > world !
> > > To:
> > > Cc:
> > >
> > > We at BrassTacks expect serious threats and risks for Pakistan
> and
> > > Muslim world in the coming days when Obama will embark on
> unfinished
> > > agenda of Bush. Pakistan and Palestine would be two critical
> areas to
> > > watch. Here are the indicators of what tsunami is in the
> making to hit
> > > Pakistan in the coming days.
> > >
> > > Inshallah khair. We see their game and we expose it and
> inshallah will
> > > resist and counter it as well.
> > >
> > > Wassalam
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ZH
> > > -----
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Obama turns to task of building administration
> > > Sources say Ill. Rep. Rahm Emanuel is expected to be named
> chief of staff
> > >
> > > (wikipedia)Rahm Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1959.
> His
> > > father, the Jerusalem-born Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a
> pediatrician and
> > > was a member of the Irgun, a Zionist Militant organization in
> the
> > > 1940s.
> > >
> > > Irgun (Hebrew: ארגון; shorthand for HaIrgun HaTzva'i HaLe'umi
> BeEretz
> > > Yisra'el, הארגון הצבאי הלאומי בארץ ישראל, "National Military
> > > Organization in the Land of Israel") was a militant Zionist
> group that
> > > operated in Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was
> established as a
> > > militant offshoot of the earlier and larger Jewish
> paramilitary
> > > organization Haganah (Hebrew: "The Defense", ההגנה). For
> secrecy
> > > reasons, people often referred to the Irgun, during that time,
> as
> > > Haganah Bet (Hebrew: literally "Defense 'B' " or "Second
> Defense",
> > > הגנה ב), or alternatively as Haganah Ha'leumit (ההגנה הלאומית)
> or
> > > Ha'ma'amad (המעמד). In present-day Israel, Irgun is commonly
> referred
> > > to as Etzel (אצ"ל), an acronym of the Hebrew initials.
> > >
> > > The Irgun was the armed expression of the nascent ideology of
> > > Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. He expressed
> this
> > > ideology as "every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only
> active
> > > retaliation would deter the Arabs and the British; only Jewish
> armed
> > > force would ensure the Jewish state".[1] Initially, a central
> part of
> > > their efforts included attacks against Palestinian Arabs,[2]
> but it
> > > increasingly shifted to attacks against the British. Some of
> the
> > > better-known attacks by Irgun were the bombing of the King
> David Hotel
> > > in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre
> > > (accomplished together with the Stern Gang) on 9 April 1948.
> In the
> > > West, Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by The
> New York
> > > Times newspaper,[3][4] and by the Anglo-American Committee of
> > > Enquiry.[5] Irgun attacks prompted a formal declaration from
> the World
> > > Zionist Congress in 1946, which strongly condemned "the
> shedding of
> > > innocent blood as a means of political warfare".[6]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Sent from Google Mail for mobile |
> > >
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> > > fasticsna-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.comor unsubscribe via the
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